Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

So, I’ve been DVRing the Real Housewives of Atlanta for entertainment while I fold laundry, etc. and obviously, these shows are enticing – the people have so much pretty stuff and their lives seem so glamorous. My first thoughts are things like: wow – I wish I had …fill in the blank.

Then, I watch a lady spent $8,000 on some new furniture for her child. When the store clerk asks her how she’ll pay, she responds with: credit card!! Then another lady is getting married and her & her fiancĂ© are fighting about money …and it hits me…
The only difference in them and us is the price of their stuff: their income is bigger, but so are their payments. They still don’t save for purchases – they still depend on credit, they just have higher limits on their cards than the rest of us do.

Most people think that if they only made more money, THEN they would save, THEN they would pay off some debt. This is why we look at people who once made a lot of money and have lost it and we wonder how that happened. The truth is… if you don’t make wise decisions on a $10,000 income, then you will never make wise decision on a $60,000 income, or on a $150,000, or on a $2.3 million income.

God calls us to be good stewards of what we are given – and He doesn’t put income limits on it!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Will helps a client save $1,500!

Yesterday, I went with Will, a Debt Buster on my team in Knoxville, to meet with one of his clients. We have been working with her for a few months, helping her rebuild her credit so that she can refinance her home. She had a debt that was charged off and we were able to walk her through coming up with the money and then “held her hand” as we settled it. We were able to show her how save her $1,500 on that bad debt.
It’s a good day when you help someone save $1,500! Good job Will !! Thanks for making a difference in people's lives!