Friday, March 4, 2011

The Shame in Your Money

I talked to an old friend today who needs my help. She said something to me that has been a recurring theme from my clients... She said she was ashamed and embarassed about her financial situation. That she had been thinking about calling me for months, but didn't want to have to admit, to me or to herself, that she needed help.
Can I just tell you that almost everyone I talk to is ashamed and embarassed about their finances. Can I also tell you that I have never been unable to help someone due their financial terribleness (not sure if that's a word...) And, as soon as people start making progress in their own lives, the shame vanishes.
You know, there's a song out right now, and the girl says several times that "you're not what you've done, you're what you've overcome"
Taking control of your finances isn't about restrictions and guilt and regret. And I know that you can't control everything, but there are a lot of choices that are made daily, that alter your financial outcome. When you are in control of who you give your money to, that's where you'll find financial freedom!

In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world! ~Jesus