Thursday, January 27, 2011

Practing what I preach

I was telling this to a client the other day, and thought I'd share...

We have several large bills that are due on the 1st - as many people do: Mortgage payment, HOA dues, childcare, utilites, plus we still have to eat and put gas in the car. My husband gets paid every 2 weeks, so the pay dates aren't the same each month. This month, he gets paid on the 3rd of the month.

A year ago, we would've waited until the 3rd to pay the bills due on the 1st, because technically they aren't late yet becuase of a grace period.

And here's where we've gotten to - The bills that are due on the 1st are already paid. We paid them out of the last paycheck. The paycheck that we get on the 3rd, goes toward bills that are due after the 3rd. We are now paying our bills ahead instead of behind. We are no longer floating our checks to make sure they don't clear before a paycheck posts.

This is what we are teaching our clients, and this is what we are doing ourselves.

... and let me tell you friends... that feels good!

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